The Counter Chronicles
The Counter Chronicles
Alissa Timoshkina - writer, activist, cookbook author, and co-founder of Cook for Ukraine
I am so honored to introduce you to today's guest, Alissa Timoshkina. In her teenage years, she left Russia for England. Now, having moved through a career in academia, she is a London based writer, cookbook author, creator of KinoVino, and activist.
Most recently, Alissa and her dear friend, Olia Hercules, founded Cook for Ukraine, an initiative they started within 48 hours of the war on Ukraine by Russia. To date, they have raised approximately 1 million pounds which has been donated to UNICEF.
Aliss and Olia who has shown tremendous bravery and leadership in calling out the atrocities of this war and continuing to raise awareness and funds for the people of Ukraine. To connect with Alissa and Olia, you can follow them on instagram and all the details of Cook for Ukraine are linked on their websites.