The Counter Chronicles
A podcast that explores the hustle of entrepreneurship or pursuing your dream career while tackling the realities (health insurance, rent, business failures, a second job!) of that pursuit. Hosted by Agatha Khishchenko, lawyer and former owner of a beloved neighborhood cheese shop, who is obsessed with all things food, restaurants, travel and hospitality.
The Counter Chronicles
Side Hustle Series -- Lindsey Thalheimer - baker & founder of Tommy Jam
Welcome to the Side Hustle -- a series of special episodes of The Counter Chronicles podcast. The Side Hustle series explores new entrepreneurs that are dipping their toes into the hustle of starting their own business. It's all about discussing the growth and creation of their company, product, or brand, while working their day job and their side hustle simultaneously.
The first guest is Lindsey Thalheimer, baker and founder/chef of Tommy Jam.
You can purchase Lindsey's exceptional jam at
She's been kind enough to offer listeners of the podcast 10% off with the promo code COUNTERCHRONICLES
You can also connect with Lindsey on instagram @tommyjamnyc