The Counter Chronicles

Amy Feezor & Pierre Haberer - the creators of Fed by a Frenchman

Agatha Khishchenko Episode 19

Today's guests are Amy Feezor and Pierre Haberer, the duo behind the instagram project Fed by a Frenchman.  Amy is an American writer who met her frenchman, Pierre, while living in Paris, and the two have since fallen in love, gotten married, and started this whimsical account and project on social media.  They document their love for ugly fruit, beautiful cheeses, market life, and so much more.  It is such a unique way to experience life in France through the lens of the food culture.  

You can follow Amy and Pierre's adventures on instagram @fedbyafrenchman 

And a few fun links to the cheese we were eating (the esteemed food writer and fellow expat, David Lebovitz and writer/culinary tour guide Jennifer Greco,  also love Beautfort, Hercule, Saint-Marcellin),  and a NY Times article about cremont wine (the sparkling wine that is a fantastic alternative to champagne)