The Counter Chronicles
The Counter Chronicles
Katie Quinn -- author, YouTube host, podcaster, creator, exploring all things travel and food
This is the last podcast of 2021 and we are going out with a bang with someone I am very excited to introduce you to. Author, YouTube host, and podcaster, Katie Quinn. Katie has a very popular YouTube channel where she creates videos of her travels, cultural experiences, and of course incredible food.
Katie is also an author of a new book: Cheese, Wine, and Bread: Discovering the Magic of Fermentation in England, Italy, and France. The book is an in depth dive into the world of the artisans, farmers, cheesemakers, bakers, and winemakers behind the 3 pillars of cheese wine and bread.
I hope you enjoy this conversation with the bubbly and oh so fun Katie Quinn!
You can connect with Katie on her YouTube channel, theQkatie, instagram @qkatie or on her website https://www.katie-quinn.com/